Evidence-based Mommy
Combining science and wellness to help moms and kids thrive. All about parenting, breastfeeding, and non-toxic living.
Evidence-based Mommy
Episode 11: Tandem feeding myths
February 08, 2023
Samantha Radford, PhD
Season 1
Episode 11
Maybe Dear Aunt Sally once told you, "You can't nurse your toddler with the new baby! You won't have enough milk for both."
Sorry Aunt Sally, that's just one of the myths about tandem nursing (breastfeeding a newborn and toddler simultaneously) that we're going to bust today.
Show notes:
Get your FREE copy of Breastfeeding Past 1: Why and How for benefits of breastfeeding your toddler, sample 1 year old breastfeeding schedules, and more.
Prefer to read? Click here for the article.
Site: Evidence-based Mommy
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